Everts provides supportive presence as Park principal

October 14, 2024

Charlotte Everts was handling crosswalk duties east of Park Middle School one morning when a mother pulled up to the curb to drop off a student.
As her younger child left the car, she asked Everts to come over to hear exciting news. It was about her older son, who had previously been a student at Park and was now in high school.
“She wanted to tell me that he made the honor roll,” Everts said as the mother drove off. “That makes my day. That’s so awesome to hear.”

Everts has heard hundreds of similar encouraging stories from parents and students during her seven years as Park’s principal. She is being recognized for her Lincoln Public Schools leadership as part of National Principals Month. She has more than 20 years of experience at LPS as a teacher, coordinator and administrator.
Everts greets students every morning at a crosswalk along South 8th Street to give them a positive start to the day. She wants to use those connections to help them in academic, social and emotional ways at school.

“One of my biggest goals is that every kid feels safe, seen and heard,” Everts said. “That’s really important to me. When I first came, I would say good morning and kids wouldn’t answer, but now everyone is responding. If you’re daydreaming and you don’t say it first, they’re like, ‘Good morning!’ which is really neat.”
LPS Director of Secondary Education Jessie Fries said Everts is “an incredible instructional, strategic and systems leader” at Park. She said Everts has developed the talent and strength of everyone in the building by establishing a clear vision for success.
“Mrs. Everts is in classrooms on a regular basis and is intentional about providing feedback to support teachers and improve student learning,” Fries said. “She is known to be a calm, collected and caring leader and we are grateful for her leadership in LPS.”

Park Associate Principal Alyssa Martin said it has been a privilege to work closely with Everts at school. She said Everts is a role model to many people because of her dedication to students and her thoughtful and creative personality.
“Charlotte devotes immeasurable amounts of time and energy to the Park community and keeps students at the heart of everything she does,” Martin said. “She is constantly reflecting on what has been done and dreaming up innovative ways to meet the needs of the scholars and families we serve. The warmth and patience she exudes in all she does helps keep Park feeling safe and calm.”
Everts began her career at Dawes Middle School before working outside of Lincoln for one year. The Wahoo High School graduate returned to LPS as a special education teacher at Lefler Middle School for seven years. The job required her to visit students throughout the building, which gave her valuable insights into classroom management.
“When you’re in different classrooms, you get the opportunity to see really strong teaching, and you build up your own repertoire of teaching strategies that work at all different levels,” Everts said. “I really liked that. It helped me a lot in my career.”

After raising her children for seven years, Everts returned to Lefler as a sixth grade resource teacher. She became the special education coordinator at Lefler before joining Goodrich Middle School’s team as an instructional coordinator. She oversaw the summer school program, helped with Title I planning and was in charge of the Community Learning Center program there.
Everts said that wide-ranging resume has provided a firm foundation for her current job. She credited many people who allowed her to soak up a wide array of knowledge.
“I’ve been very fortunate,” Everts said. “I’ve had really great mentors who gave me a lot of great opportunities that helped me be prepared when I stepped into this role.”

Martin said Everts has built that same type of support system for others at Park. She travels throughout the building each day to solve problems, offer praise and let people know that she is there for them.
Everts began the first period one morning talking with students in a family and consumer sciences course. She encouraged members of an industrial arts class who were making wooden letters of their names, and she then stopped by the life skills room to watch part of a lesson there. She finished the 45-minute tour listening to journalism students ask questions as part of a skill-building activity.

“Charlotte prioritizes taking care of people,” Martin said. “She acknowledges hard work and individual contributions, celebrates milestones and achievements and expresses genuine care and concern. I have learned that strength and wisdom do not have to be loud to be effective, and that doing what is right for our unique community of learners is not always easy, but it is always worth the effort.”
Everts said several times during the morning that she admires the talent and dedication of all of her Park co-workers. She said they have made it a joy to come to school every day as their principal.
“I just can’t say enough about my staff and admin team and counseling team,” Everts said. “I truly feel like I’m surrounded by the best. We have a really strong, amazing staff, and I feel fortunate that I’m here with them.”
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Published: October 14, 2024, Updated: October 14, 2024

Park Middle School Principal Charlotte Everts smiles in her office this fall. Everts is helping Park students feel safe, seen and heard with her encouragement and leadership each school day. She is in her seventh year as Park's principal.